bearer of the curse


special interests: misatoverse, animal crossing, pokemon, corpse party

games: splatoon, higurashi/umineko, chulip, skyrim, stardew valley, ddlc, persona 3, style savvy

media: llsif, saiki k, vocaloid, utaite, kagepro, death note, bojack horseman

misc: forensic science, interior decorating, game grumps, character design, romanticizing everything

hobbies: drawing, taking pictures, playing video games, adventuring, collecting stuff i find cute, coding on neocities and relaxing


i was born in a wet cardboard box all alone
i'm a character artist and video game designer currently working on a fangame called corpse party: forbidden rebirth


please no under 18 (19+ preferred)
this is my main but i never unlock
i talk weird but it's part of my charm
i love you
my antipsychotics